
Welcome to My New Travel Blog


I have had to adjust to a lot of changes since the virus. Not being able to go to the stores, can’t go buy things for the summer unless it’s online, can’t go to restaurants. We can’t do a lot of things but I always find ways to entertain myself. I’m taking the change, I…

Timing after the virus

Around this time would be a good time to take care of things you didn’t have that much time to before. Before the virus. I had barely enough time to take a nap because of school, sports, and work. Since everything has shut down people are not working, going to school, or participating in active…

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A Blog about Academic Writing

Gabrielle's Blog

This blog is for my english class

Abde Barre

For English Class

Matt Frost

English 1117

Chris's Blog

English Class Blog,

batulo's blog

english class

Olivia's Blog

My English Blog


English Class

Abdiwahab Ali



Outbursts of Hot Gases

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